View this page in Welsh / Gweld y tudalen hwn yn Gymraeg
This consultation has now closed.
Cabinet will consider the responses to the consultation and the final budget proposals on 29 February before the budget is set at a meeting of full Council on 6 March.
Following the Chancellor’s autumn statement in November and the Welsh Government’s provisional settlement announcement on 19 December the Council has reviewed its budget pressures for next year.
Like much of the public sector the Council is facing exceptional pressures on its budget so the year ahead will again be a challenging one.
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View this page in Welsh / Gweld y tudalen hwn yn Gymraeg
This consultation has now closed.
Cabinet will consider the responses to the consultation and the final budget proposals on 29 February before the budget is set at a meeting of full Council on 6 March.
Following the Chancellor’s autumn statement in November and the Welsh Government’s provisional settlement announcement on 19 December the Council has reviewed its budget pressures for next year.
Like much of the public sector the Council is facing exceptional pressures on its budget so the year ahead will again be a challenging one.
The Council is projected to receive £208.901m in funding from Welsh Government in 2024/25. This is an increase of 3.1%. However, one that is still below the current rate of inflation, so is in effect a real-terms cut.
As well as receiving funding directly from Welsh Government, the Council also raises money through Council Tax and receives additional funding through a proportion of business rates collected across Wales.
While the level of Council Tax for next year is still to be decided by a meeting of full Council in March, the current forecast is that with the settlement there will be an £7.8m gap in our budget for next year.
The following infographic has been designed to explain where the Council's budget comes from and how it has been allocated across services in this financial year.

A consultation on the draft budget proposals for 2024/25 is now underway.
Residents can find more information about the budget setting process for 2024/25 and proposals by reading the Cabinet report linked on this page, or reading the budget FAQ.
Please complete the survey below to have your say before 15 February.
Paper copies of the survey are available at the Civic Offices reception.
Alternatively please call 01446 700111 or email to share your views.