Improvements to Colcot and Buttrills recreation sites

View this page in Welsh / Gweld y tudalen hwn yn Gymraeg

We are planning to improve sports facilities at the Colcot and Buttrills recreation sites in Barry.

We are planning these improvements because the existing changing facilities at the sites are in urgent need of replacement as they have fallen into disrepair and do not meet the needs of all users.

About the proposals

The improvements will be financed through grant funding as well as by building housing on land currently occupied by the outdated facilities at Colcot Sports Centre.

The proposals include:

  • Constructing a new sports pavilion, adjacent to the existing Buttrills community centre, with a dedicated boxing hall, changing facilities and space for the community
  • Installing an outdoor cycle track and multi-use games area at Colcot
  • Building new community facilities, including a play area, to support new housing at Colcot
  • Retaining the larger sports hall, 3G football pitches and green open spaces at Colcot
  • Creating new parking at both sites

How to have your say

You can find out more about the project at a drop-in session at Colcot Sports Centre between 4pm and 7pm on Thursday, April 18. 

You can also:

  • Ask a question below
  • Complete the feedback form below before 14 June.
  • Share your views as part of the planning process once proposals have been submitted

Hard copies of the feedback form should be returned to:


Consultation, Corporate and Customer Services

Vale of Glamorgan Council

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU

View this page in Welsh / Gweld y tudalen hwn yn Gymraeg

We are planning to improve sports facilities at the Colcot and Buttrills recreation sites in Barry.

We are planning these improvements because the existing changing facilities at the sites are in urgent need of replacement as they have fallen into disrepair and do not meet the needs of all users.

About the proposals

The improvements will be financed through grant funding as well as by building housing on land currently occupied by the outdated facilities at Colcot Sports Centre.

The proposals include:

  • Constructing a new sports pavilion, adjacent to the existing Buttrills community centre, with a dedicated boxing hall, changing facilities and space for the community
  • Installing an outdoor cycle track and multi-use games area at Colcot
  • Building new community facilities, including a play area, to support new housing at Colcot
  • Retaining the larger sports hall, 3G football pitches and green open spaces at Colcot
  • Creating new parking at both sites

How to have your say

You can find out more about the project at a drop-in session at Colcot Sports Centre between 4pm and 7pm on Thursday, April 18. 

You can also:

  • Ask a question below
  • Complete the feedback form below before 14 June.
  • Share your views as part of the planning process once proposals have been submitted

Hard copies of the feedback form should be returned to:


Consultation, Corporate and Customer Services

Vale of Glamorgan Council

Civic Offices

Holton Road


CF63 4RU

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  • My question is, how has this council had the audacity to dangle this carrot in front of the people of this area? Barry is the biggest town in wales but our representatives somehow struggle to fund the modernising of facilities needed to serve the people. Somehow it has resorted to finding loop holes in the fields of trust agreement to exercise its selfish need for greed in building a housing estate to line a few pockets and reduce its much appreciated recreational land for its population. We don’t need more houses! We don’t have a homeless epidemic! We need our current facilities reimagined/renewed utilising the space better that serves all demographics. All this is a cash grab and the Vale of Glamorgan should be ashamed of themselves for arriving at this point, for having no regard for the people living in the surrounding area and for thinking that a compromise like this isn’t remotely insulting! I suggest the Vale has a rethink of its plans and takes into account the will of the people - there are social media groups and a petition set up with a lot of people against these proposals with the petition racking up nearly a 1000 signatures in just over a week. These open spaces should Be protected and valued by all. The colcot boxing club don’t want it, The other clubs/ organisations that utilise the colcot sports Center don’t want it, The surrounding residents don’t want it, Sports clubs who utilise both spaces don’t want it and will be impacted. Dog walkers don’t want it, Who wants it?

    JJB asked 3 months ago

    The primary objective of the proposals is firmly focused on significantly improving the opportunities for increased levels of physical activity by providing quality recreational facilities that the Council is currently lacking. The current changing facilities at the site were built in the 1960’s and do not meet current requirements for changing rooms and cannot be adapted to do so.  In addition, with the growth of Women and Girls’ football Barry presently has no location where two womens matches can be played at the same location.   

    No competitive playing fields that have been used in the last 5 years will be lost in these proposals.  The Council has invested heavily in full sized Artificial Turf Pitches with only one being available in the 1990’s compared to eight in the Vale of Glamorgan at present, mainly located on School sites to gain optimum use (School during the day and Community use at other times). 

    These remain proposals at this stage. Once the consultation closes feedback will be reviewed and the proposals reconsidered before any further steps are taken.

  • Why do we need more housing in Barry? There are not enough schools or places to accommodate children in the classrooms as it is. There are not enough leisure facilities for younger children or teenagers. The Barry leisure Centre isn't big enough for the town with all the existing housing. There won't be any greenery or playing fields left!

    Kathryn Smith asked 3 months ago

    There's a shortage of housing across the Vale, including in Barry, with over 6,000 people on the housing waiting list. In terms of nearby schools our data shows there is a surplus of places at Colcot Primary school with 27 applications for 45 places in 2023. Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Morgannwg received 32 applications for primary places in 2023 and has space for 30, however there are other Welsh primary schools within 5 miles of the proposed development with space.

    In terms of leisure facilities, no sports pitches used in the last 5 years will be lost as a result of these proposals. 

    The proposals include new, free to use, facilities for younger children and teenagers with a new playground and a pump cycling track planned. 

  • Where is the detailed site plan for the Colcot Sports Centre? It seems that that we have architectural drawings for the Buttrills site, and coloured boxes for the Colcot site! How many houses / flats are proposed? Who will have priority in the new carpark at Colcot….houses or sports users? What are the costs of refurbishing the existing Colcot Sports Centre? Why haven’t the Vale Council / Legacy Leisure replaced the existing ATP hockey pitch in 2019? It’s meant to be a Sports Complex for the community and has been since 1963! Why are the Vale Council not looking after the grass football pitches at Colcot & Buttrills…..half the football matches cancelled over the weekend due to the state of the grounds! 😠

    Michael Goode asked 3 months ago

    The plans for the proposed housing development are available to view on this page, with the documents and Frequently Asked Questions. They were also displayed at the drop-in event on 18 April with an officer from our housing department available to answer questions. The car park adjacent to the sports hall at the Colcot would be for sports all users. The proposed housing plans show provision for parking for residents. 

    The ATP at the site has been closed for over 5 years.  The Council has invested heavily in ATP’s, there are now eight pitches spread across the Vale with four in Barry.  The Council consulted with Hockey Wales when deciding on its future strategy for ATP’s and a new hockey facility has been provided at Pencoedtre school that is available to the Community outside of school hours.  Further consultation has also recently taken place with Hockey Wales who still support the Council’s strategy in relation to ATP’s. Presently, Barry does not have a Hockey Club but the Council is very keen to work with any volunteers, via its Sports Development Team, to establish a club based at Pencoedtre 

    The Cancellation of Football matches has been excessive over the last few seasons but the Vale of Glamorgan Football, who represent nearly 4000 players, have been able to complete all fixtures during this time and support the Council’s proposals to significantly improve the facilities in the Colcot area.  

    It is hoped that drainage at the Buttrills site will be improved with the Sustainable Drainage System requirements in order to gain planning consent. 

  • Do the proposals take into account and comply with the Well-being and Future Generations Act?

    Carol Weighell asked 3 months ago

    The proposals developed do take full account of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, with particular reference to the need to provide recreational facilities that are fit for use, the continued growth of women and girls physical activities, greater number of free to use facilities for children and young people (particularly those not engaged by team sports)the need for quality green spaces and meeting the growing demand for housing. 

  • There will be a very large car park at the Buttrills site. Creating the opportunity for boy racers in their cars and bikes at night and day causing anti social behaviour or the possibility of travellers setting up home on the freshly layed tarmac. Will the whole area be fenced and gated to prevent this?. Has the extra noise this will create effecting residents from Woodham Park whose houses back onto the playing field?. And has there been a survey to assess the increased risk of the houses backing onto the field from flooding as it did years ago.

    Paul Walters asked 3 months ago

    The car park will be designed to try to prevent the type of antisocial behaviour activities described. There will be a gate to prevent access to the playing fields.  Due to strict planning requirements the scheme will have an extensive sustainable drainage scheme that it is hoped will reduce the likelihood of future floods in this area. 

  • How are you going to ensure the whole community is made aware of the proposals as not all residents have access to social media and other digital methods?

    Carol Weighell asked 3 months ago

    The drop-in session at the Sports Centre on Thursday 18th April, 4pm-7pm, has been advertised on social media and through leaflets delivered to residents. The aim of this session is to provide residents with the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the proposals. There will be an opportunity to provide feedback at this session and online for those who can’t attend. Further consultation will take place at the planning stage if proposals go ahead.  

  • Can you provide more detail on the proposal for new community facilities to support the housing? The park will be a requirement anyway as part if housing. Just trying to understand as this is quite vague.

    Carol Weighell asked 3 months ago

    If the housing proposal is agreed, there will be a section 106 agreement that details the monies available for community facilities. The primary purpose of this proposal however, is to significantly improve the opportunities for physical activity at these important sites, particularly for women and girls.